
by VadaTech

VadaTech annonce the FMC module FMC228 new FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) VITA 57 specification compliant by increasing the number of SERDES lanes available support higher I/O bandwidth, making improved use of the latest JESD204B-enabled signal conversion. FMC228 utilizes dual AD9234 ADCs providing two inputs per ADC with 12-bit conversion rates of up to 1.0 GSPS. The front panel RF clock is a reference input clock to the PLL or it could input to the ADC direct sampling clock. The PLL can also receive its reference clock from an on board or the FMC Carrier. The front panel also has Trig In/Out and CLK In ports. Moreover VADATECH provides a wide range of A/D and D/A FMC modules, with several FGPA carrier boards, supported by DAQ Series™ data acquisition software to easily implement system modelling and automatic code generation from Simulink® and MATLAB® into Vivado FPGA project via System Generator® (Xilinx). This allows the programmer to interface with the hardware, program the FPGA at high level